Monday, February 4, 2008


Some of you know that we bought Jack a tent for Christmas that he has HATED! He wouldn't go within 3 feet of it....until tonight! We have had it in the living room blocking his way to the kitchen in hopes that he'd learn to tolerate it. Well, tonight we found out that we just needed to tempt him with food to get him to go in. We had cut up an apple, held it up inside the tent and lured him in. It worked! He was hesitant at first but he really wanted that apple! He stayed inside while he chewed on the apple and then crawled through. We figured that would be the end of it but later he went over to it, opened the door, and crawled right through to the kitchen!! It seems our efforts tonight may have cured his fear of the tent! We'll see what happens tomorrow!

1 comment:

Crystal M. said...

Jack you and Eva could go camping together now!! LOL!
Crystal and Eva